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Our team is ready to help you streamline your sales and marketing processes.

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We are a remote team, but our main office is...

Washington, D.C.

13800 Coppermine Rd.
Herndon, VA 20171

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Frequently asked questions

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What services does your company provide

We provide JumpStart CRM implementation services, as well as CRM revitalization and monthly managed services for Salesforce and HubSpot, using an Agile people-centric approach.

How can your services benefit my business?

Our services can help your business to implement or revitalize a CRM tool, and get up and running quickly, start seeing a return on your investment sooner, and enable you to continue to develop the tool based on real-world use. We also offer monthly managed services, to ensure that your CRM tool continues to meet your evolving business needs.

How long does the implementation process typically take?
The length of the implementation process can vary depending on the complexity of your needs and the size of your organization. However, our Agile methodology allows us to deliver results quickly and efficiently, while still maintaining quality and functionality.
How much does your implementation service cost?
The cost of our implementation, CRM revitalization, and monthly managed services can vary depending on the scope of your project and other factors. We offer flexible pricing options to meet your needs and budget.
What support do you offer after implementation?
We offer Monthly Managed Services services to ensure that your CRM tool continues to meet your evolving business needs. Our team is available to assist with training, troubleshooting, and other support needs.
How do I schedule a consultation or demo?

You can schedule a consultation or demo by contacting us through our website (above). Our team will work with you to schedule a convenient time and provide any information or resources you need.

Does Dynamic Specialties Group offshore work?

No, we use US based team members to complete work on your project which means we are on the same time schedule as you. 

What information should I have ready before contacting you?

It's helpful to have a general understanding of your business needs and goals, as well as any specific requirements or features that you are looking for in a CRM tool. Additionally, any relevant data or documentation about your current systems can be helpful.

Do you work with clients outside of your geographic area?

Yes, we work with clients across the United States and internationally. Our remote implementation capabilities allow us to provide high-quality services to clients no matter where they are located.

What is your experience with implementing Salesforce and HubSpot?

Our team has extensive experience with implementing, revitalizing, and managing both Salesforce and HubSpot CRM tools, and we have helped numerous clients to get up and running quickly and efficiently.

How can I get in touch with your team for support or assistance?

You can reach our team through our website (above) or by phone at 571-208-2527, and we will be happy to assist you with any questions or support needs that you have.

Why should I choose a consultancy like Dynamic Specialties Group over hiring a freelancer or full-time employees to perform CRM implementation or management tasks?

There are several reasons why a consultancy may be a better choice for your business:

  1. Expertise: Consultancies often have a team of experts with diverse skill sets, allowing them to provide high-quality services in a range of areas. This can be especially valuable for complex projects or specialized needs.

  2. Flexibility: Consultancies can offer more flexibility than hiring full-time employees, allowing you to scale up or down as needed, without the overhead costs of maintaining a large in-house team.

  3. Focus: Consultancies typically specialize in a particular area, such as CRM implementation or management, allowing them to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, tools, and best practices. This can result in faster and more efficient service delivery.

  4. Accountability: Consultancies are typically more accountable than freelancers, as they are responsible for delivering results and meeting client expectations. They often have established processes and quality control measures in place to ensure that services are delivered on time and to a high standard.

  5. Cost-effectiveness: While hiring a freelancer or full-time employees may seem like a cost-effective option, the long-term costs can add up quickly. Consultancies can offer more competitive pricing due to economies of scale and specialized expertise, while also delivering high-quality services.