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Schedule a complimentary CRM Health Check today! Learn More


Driving Informed Decisions Using Your CRM.

Regular system audits are crucial for maintaining a centralized hub of data that can be leveraged to elevate customer experiences and understand the effectiveness of sales and marketing strategies across multiple platforms.

Whether you're just adopting Salesforce or need an expert to manage your platform, a free health check from our Certified Salesforce experts is the first step to unlocking the full potential of your CRM.

Igniting brand loyalty by building deeper customer connections. 


Curate personalized customer experiences. 

Performing regular audits to ensure CRM data remains accurate and relevant is a crucial component to CRM maintenance.  It not only ensures decisions are made based on reliable data, but impacts a company's ability to create truly personalized and impactful customer experiences, ultimately driving business growth and fostering stronger customer relationships.  When teams are able to leverage data effectively, businesses see a higher return on investment from their CRM.

By breaking down how data is structured and utilized within a CRM, Dynamic Specialties Group is providing sales and marketing leaders with invaluable insights that can inform strategic decisions and drive significant outcomes. Equipped with this knowledge, executives can empower their teams to extract actionable intelligence from the database, enabling more targeted marketing campaigns and tailored product offerings.

Ensure your sales and marketing engines are operating at peak performance. 

Just like a routine physical exam for your body, checking the health of a CRM allows businesses to proactively identify and address issues before they escalate into larger problems. 



During our analysis, Dynamic Specialties Group will deploy sophisticated diagnostic tools that uncover bottlenecks and identify and assess the functionality of complex data or custom code that could hinder long-term performance & scalability. We’ll provide tailored recommendations to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. 


Mitigate risk and safeguard your company’s reputation.

Data is a strategic and valuable resource for any company. In an increasingly connected world where privacy is a hot topic, how a company collects, processes, governs, shares, and analyzes data is paramount.

Dynamic Specialties Group will review your organization's adherence to CRM best practices, data management strategies, industry regulations, and security standards. The health check will flag security vulnerabilities and deviations from recommended configurations so you can protect valuable data and ensure regulatory compliance.

Drive sustainable growth. 

Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, business leaders who implement quarterly assessments ensure that the organization’s CRM will continue to evolve in tandem with sales and marketing objectives. By maintain a robust and reliable system that supports business operations seamlessly, GTM teams are pushing their brand ahead of the curve in today's competitive landscape


Through a structured evaluation of a CRM’s current performance, the experts at Dynamic Specialties Group are able to build a roadmap for the future, implementing iterative processes to expand and enhance your CRM, while focusing on areas that yield the most impact.

Our certified experts are committed to your success.

As an official Salesforce Consulting Partner, Dynamic Specialties Group is certified to offer a wide range of Salesforce services including implementation, revitalization, and ongoing support. Our team of certified Salesforce professionals ensures that your CRM system is optimized to meet your business needs.

Industries We Serve:
Real Estate-1
Real Estate
Professional Services-1
Professional Services
Retail & E-Commerce
Hospitality & Tourism

Ready to Propel Your Business Forward?

Request an Evaluation

Complete and submit the form on this page, providing some basic information that will allow us to tailor the health check to your specific needs. After submitting the form, look for an email with a calendar link to schedule your health check discovery meeting.

Discovery Meeting

In the discovery meeting, we'll dive deeper into your CRM environment, discussing your business goals, pain points, and any specific areas you'd like us to focus on during the health check. This meeting helps us understand your unique needs and objectives, ensuring that our assessment is aligned with your goals.

Assessment Period

Once we have a clear understanding of your CRM setup and objectives, our team will conduct a thorough assessment of your CRM system. We'll examine key areas such as data quality, security & compliance, and performance & scalability, using advanced tools and techniques to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

Review Results

After completing the assessment, we'll schedule a findings review meeting with you to discuss our findings and present our solution recommendations. During this meeting, we'll walk you through our assessment findings, highlighting any areas of concern and proposing actionable recommendations to address them. Our goal is to provide you with practical, tailored solutions that enable you to optimize your CRM system for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Step 1 Book

Request an Evaluation

Complete and submit the form on this page, providing some basic information that will allow us to tailor the health check to your specific needs. After submitting the form, look for an email with a calendar link to schedule your health check discovery meeting.

Step 2 Discovery

Discovery Meeting

In the discovery meeting, we'll dive deeper into your CRM environment, discussing your business goals, pain points, and any specific areas you'd like us to focus on during the health check. This meeting helps us understand your unique needs and objectives, ensuring that our assessment is aligned with your goals.

Step 3 Assess

Assessment Period

Once we have a clear understanding of your CRM setup and objectives, our team will conduct a thorough assessment of your CRM system. We'll examine key areas such as data quality, security & compliance, and performance & scalability, using advanced tools and techniques to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

Step 4 Results

Review Results

After completing the assessment, we'll schedule a findings review meeting with you to discuss our findings and present our solution recommendations. During this meeting, we'll walk you through our assessment findings, highlighting any areas of concern and proposing actionable recommendations to address them. Our goal is to provide you with practical, tailored solutions that enable you to optimize your CRM system for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CRM health check, and why do I need it?

A CRM health check is a comprehensive evaluation of your CRM system's performance, security, and data quality. It's essential for identifying any issues or areas of improvement to ensure your CRM is operating optimally and supporting your business objectives effectively.

How often should I request a CRM health check?

The frequency of CRM health checks can vary depending on factors such as the size of your organization, the complexity of your CRM setup, and how frequently your business processes change. As a general guideline, we recommend quarterly assessments to stay proactive and address any emerging issues promptly.

What does the health check process involve?

Our health check process involves thorough assessments of key areas such as data quality, security & compliance, and performance & scalability. We'll examine your CRM's data structure, identify any security vulnerabilities, assess customizations, and provide tailored recommendations to optimize your CRM environment.

How long does it take to receive the results of the health check?

The turnaround time for receiving the results of your CRM health check can vary depending on the size and complexity of your CRM system. However, we strive to provide timely and actionable insights to help you make informed decisions about improving your CRM's performance and effectiveness.

Is the evaluation completely free, and am I obligated to commit to your services?

Yes, our CRM health check evaluation is completely free of charge and comes with no obligation to commit to our services. 

Typically, clients who include a CRM audit as part of a project or monthly managed services see costs that range from $1,500 to $2,000. However, because we believe in empowering businesses to make informed decisions about how to best optimize their CRM, we're offering this valuable service upfront, for a limited time.

How will the recommendations from the health check benefit my organization?

The recommendations from our CRM health check are tailored to address specific issues identified during the assessment process. By implementing these recommendations, you can improve data accuracy, enhance security and compliance, streamline processes, and ultimately maximize the ROI of your CRM investment.

Can I request a health check if I'm using a CRM other than Salesforce or HubSpot?

In most scenarios, absolutely! While we specialize in Salesforce and HubSpot, we offer health check services for a wide range of CRM platforms. Whether you're using a custom-built CRM solution or another third-party platform, we can tailor our evaluation to meet your specific needs and requirements.


Say Goodbye to Guesswork and Fuel Sales Growth

Don't let outdated CRM practices hold you back. Request your free evaluation today and take the first step towards streamlining your business operations, enhancing customer relationships, and driving sustainable growth with a tailored CRM health check from Dynamic Specialties Group.