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Mastering Behavioral Change Techniques for CRM Success

Training & CRM Success

There was a time when simply granting business users access to a CRM like HubSpot or Salesforce might have sufficed for them to pick it up on their own. I believe those days are behind us.

Regrettably, training is often the most overlooked aspect of a project. It's frequently the first line item reduced or eliminated to cut costs, yet it's arguably among the most critical for success if we gauge success by return on investment. A business might pour a significant amount of money into the latest and greatest CRM, but without proper use, that investment is nothing short of a waste.

Drawing from my experiences in emergency medicine and the military, I've been privy to training methods designed to alter primal human reactions. While guiding a user through Salesforce might not appear as critical, we can still apply some of these proven techniques to facilitate the adoption of new behaviors.


More than a one-hour company-wide training session at a project's culmination is required. No matter the caliber of the trainer or the team, an hour or two is inadequate for effecting behavioral change. Reflecting on my Navy days, we adhered to the rule of three: "Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them." This approach proved surprisingly effective.

Plan for multiple training sessions to truly onboard your team, allowing practice time in between. Ensure an open line of communication with the trainer for any questions that arise. Starting in a sandbox environment removes the fear of "breaking" anything, fostering a safer learning space. Once users grasp the basics, they're ready for the production environment.

Recording training sessions for later reference can be incredibly beneficial. Sprinkling in short "How To" videos between sessions can reinforce essential features. Despite no one enjoying homework, mastering these platforms requires active engagement. Salesforce's Trailhead [] offers excellent end-user training, facilitating quick, hands-on learning.

Consistent Application

For behavioral change, consistency is critical. Until logging in becomes second nature, users might need a nudge. Most platforms offer user adoption reporting, providing visibility into engagement levels. If they're not logging in daily, they're likely not integrating the tool into their workflows. Since humans are creatures of habit, change can be daunting without sufficient motivation. Encouraging daily log-ins through rewards or gamification can prove effective. Remember, leadership is about showcasing the tool's value, making the carrot far more appealing than the stick, with each user motivated by different incentives.


Massive behavioral shifts can feel overwhelming. Transitioning from familiar processes to new systems should be smooth. Start with manageable steps, like practicing lead entry in a sandbox environment, before moving to more complex tasks. This approach mitigates the risk of decreased sales team performance during the transition. It's normal for productivity to dip initially, but with proper training and adaptation, efficiency should not only recover but improve.

Give your CRM and team the time and resources they need for a successful launch, which invariably includes comprehensive, thoughtfully planned training. If you're interested in delving deeper into CRM training strategies or related topics, feel free to send us a message.